51DN Sweater Banner



Our Sweater collection brings together all the 51DN products you need for your sleep assortment. Boxpillow, Cathouse and Softbed are the basis for this collection. Over the years, these materials have proven to be the absolute favourites! All covers are removable and/or washable at 30°.

FR |

Notre gamme Sweater regroupe tous les produits 51DN indispensables à chaque ensemble de coucher. Boxpillow, Cathouse and Softbed sont la base de cette collection. Au fil des années, ces produits sont devenus nos best-sellers! Toutes les housses sont déhoussables et/ ou lavables à 30°.

NL |

In onze Sweater brengen we alle 51DN producten samen die niet mogen ontbreken in elk slaapassortiment. Boxpillow, Cathouse and Softbed vormen de basis van deze collectie. Doorheen de jaren waren dit onze absolute toppers! Alle hoezen zijn afneembaar en/of wasbaar op 30° graden.

51DN Sweater Boxpillow2
51DN-Sweater-Boxpillow Dark Grey
51DN-Sweater-Softbed Dark Grey
51 Degrees North Sweater Softbed Pillowbag
51DN Sweater Cathouse

Other Collection

Thumbnail-All Year-Sheep
Thumbnail-All Year-Cotton
Thumbnail for All Year Storm collection pillows in colors Fire red, Imperial Grey and Rocky Grey
Thumbnail 51 Degrees North All Year Dress Sweater with Text
Sweater with Text

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